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మీ అభిప్రాయాన్ని తెలియజేయండి

జై భారత్ నేషనల్ పార్టీ - భారతీయ యువత కలల సాకార వేదిక

స్వచ్ఛమైన ప్రజాస్వామ్యం మరియు 2024 శాసనసభ ఎన్నికల పై మీ అభిప్రాయాలను మాకు తెలియచేయండి

Voice Your Opinion

Jai Bharat National Party - A platform for realizing the dreams of Indian youth

Let us know your views on Clean Democracy and 2024 Assembly Elections

Voice Your Opinion
Do you feel it as your duty to vote ?
Do you know the value of your vote ?
Do you know what are the powers of an MLA ?
Do you agree if your MLA loots public money ?
Should your MLA be constantly available to you or make you wait for hours without meeting you while having secret discussions ?
Do you believe that your MLA can help you with your personal problems ?
How do you want your MLA to behave ?
Do you know how much salary the government gives to your MLA every month to serve you ?
Should a salaried MLA serve the people or dominate the people ?
Do you know what your MLA can do for the development of your constituency ?
Do you know what are the duties/responsibilities of an MLA ?
Do you believe that the MLA will help you if you have problems with ration card, pension or availability of government schemes ?
Have you witnessed firsthand the services rendered by the MLAs of the past ?
Do you know that the MLA is your representative who is being sent to the Legislative Assembly for the development of your constituency/ for solving your problems ?
Have you seen your MLA speaking about your area in the assembly in the past ?
Will you vote for MLA/MP candidates merely out of respect for party chiefs or will you also consider the qualities and service characteristics of the candidates ?
Are you influenced by someone's words before you cast your vote ?
Do you like to take money and vote ?
Which of the qualifications will you consider in the candidate you want to vote for ?
If you really get the quality of service, honesty, courtesy and competent candidate that you really want, will you choose them ?
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